Corteva Contractor Orientation

Contractor Orientation

Corteva is dedicated to creating lasting partnerships with our contractor community. We care for your safety just the same as our own employees. In order to provide the highest level of safety, Corteva has put in place this onboarding presentation to familiarize you with the proven processes you will use while working at Corteva facilities. This orientation ensures that Corteva’s Safety Standards, facility specific information and emergency response protocols are communicated to the contractor workforce prior to you performing work at our facility.  In order to uphold Corteva’s brand value “Live Safely” we ask that you give this orientation your undivided attention and welcome to Corteva!

Contractor Badges may require the following but not limited to:

  • Completed and passed background check
  • Hold Harmless Agreement
  • Prequalification 
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • Safety Training per specific facility/site requirements
  • Drug Screen

Step 1 - Site Specific Orientation

Select the Site where you will be performing the work.

For multiple sites review each sites slide deck by selecting them from the drop down one at a time.

Step 2 - Watch Orientation Video

Choose Orientation Type

General Orientation (Video 1) provides an overview of Corteva’s EHS&S requirements and is recommended for all contractors.

Advanced Orientation (Video 1 & 2) provides a more in-depth review of Corteva’s Core 10 Safety Standards and is recommended for contractors performing maintenance, construction, or skilled trades (i.e., mechanical, electrical, carpentry, plumbing, pipe fitting, HVAC, welding, masonry, painting, etc)

Step 3 - Take Orientation Quiz

Quiz will appear after video ends

Be sure to review your results at the end to know if you passed. 9 of 10 for General and 22 of 26 for Advanced

Step 4 - Post Test Steps

After reviewing your test results above.

If you did NOT get enough correct answers (9 for General / 22 for Advance) to pass, please review the material and try again.

If you did get enough correct answers to pass reach out to your local site contact or Corteva sponsor about next steps.